About » Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition

All students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch at school. It is not necessary to send food with students. If you feel your child needs a snack the following are the only permitted items:

  • Water in a plastic Bottle (NO Gatorade, juice, sodas)
  • Fruit, or crackers, (NO cookies, donuts, potato chips, hot cheetos, lunchables w/candy)

Please do not send sandwiches or food with mayonnaise or cream or that requires refrigeration.

Students are allowed to eat snacks at recess. For safety reasons, students are not allowed to walk into school with hot items such as hot chocolate, champurrado, cup o noodles or fast food meals. Students with food items that are not permitted, will have items collected. Parents may pick these items up at the end of the day. Any items that are not picked up will be thrown out at the end of the business day. Your support is appreciated.